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News Releases

General licence restricted on Cairngorms estate

17 July, 2024

NatureScot has restricted the use of general licences on Lochindorb Estate, near Grantown-on-Spey, for three years.

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Rare plant thriving on Ochils crags

11 July, 2024

Numbers of one of Scotland’s rarest plants have more than trebled on the craggy slopes of Dumyat in the Ochil Hills, a new survey has found.

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Green marine environment fund distributes £3.8m

08 July, 2024

Projects to protect and restore Scotland’s coasts and seas have received more than £3.8 million from a vital marine fund over the last three years.

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Tha Port-adhair Ìle a’ cruthachadh raon-laighe sàbhailte do steàrnagan-beaga

02 July, 2024

Tha luchd-obrach Puirt-adhair na Gàidhealtachd is nan Eilean a’ dol a dh’obair còmhla ri prògram glèidhteachais Gnèithean air an Oir airson bith-àrainn neadachaidh shàbhailte a chruthachadh do dh’eun ainneamh, an steàrnag-bheag, aig Port-adhair Ìle.

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Islay Airport creates safe landing zone for Little Terns

02 July, 2024

Issued on behalf of the Species on the Edge partnership 

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NHS Orkney roll out ‘Nature Prescriptions’ following success in Shetland and Edinburgh

20 June, 2024

Issued on behalf of the Species on the Edge partnership 

NHS Orkney has begun the roll out of ‘Nature Prescriptions’, a joint initiative with RSPB Scotland and conservation programme Species on the Edge, designed to increase patients’ physical and mental health through increased connection with nature.  

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Photography study reveals nature recovery

30 May, 2024

A long-term photography study has revealed the scale of nature restoration at National Nature Reserves (NNRs) across the Highlands.

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Watch out for roe deer on the roads

24 May, 2024

Drivers are being reminded to be alert for roe deer on the roads at this peak time of year for collisions between deer and vehicles.

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New guidance provides advice for native oyster restoration in Scotland

15 May, 2024

New guidance published by NatureScot today provides advice for reintroducing native oysters to areas where they have become extinct in Scotland, as well as protecting and expanding the species in areas where they retain a foothold.

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