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News Releases

Green Health Week Nature Funding for Young People

14 May, 2024

Funding for unique environmental projects designed by young people for young people has been announced by NatureScot during this year’s Green Health Week.

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People urged to watch out for threatened waders

06 May, 2024

Bird conservationists are highlighting the perilous position of Scotland’s wading birds and urging the public to help, as the first ever ‘Wader Week’ gets underway (6-12 May).

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Appeal for responsible access at Muir of Dinnet

03 May, 2024

NatureScot is appealing to people to follow the Scottish Outdoor Access Code after several incidents of antisocial behaviour at Muir of Dinnet National Nature Reserve (NNR).

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Visitors welcomed back to Noss National Nature Reserve (NNR)

30 April, 2024

Noss National Nature Reserve (NNR) will reopen to the public again tomorrow (Wednesday, May 1st) with a new-look visitor centre.

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Local artists sought for Outer Hebrides Wildlife Festival Art Exhibition

24 April, 2024

Entries are now open to artists wishing to contribute to this year’s Outer Hebrides Wildlife Festival Art Exhibition.

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Luchd-ealain ionadail gan gairm do Thaisbeanadh Ealain aig Fèis Fiadh-bheatha nan Eilean

24 April, 2024

Thathar a’ gabhail ri tagraidhean bho luchd-ealain a bhiodh airson cur ri Taisbeanadh Ealain aig Fèis Fiadh-bheatha nan Eilean am-bliadhna.

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Deer management targets met

23 April, 2024

Deer management targets to protect and restore nature in key areas of Scotland have been met, thanks to long-term collaborative efforts from estates.

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Frogs flourish in urban ‘SuDS’ ponds

11 April, 2024

Networks of urban drainage ponds not only help to control surface water in our towns and cities, but they also support the genetic diversity of frogs, according to a new report.

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Call for volunteers to tackle invasive American mink in northern Scotland

05 April, 2024

A major invasive species project working across the north of Scotland is appealing for volunteers to help protect native wildlife by monitoring and controlling populations of introduced American mink.

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Call for volunteers to tackle invasive American mink in West Highlands

04 April, 2024

A major invasive species project working in the West Highlands is appealing for volunteers to help protect native wildlife by monitoring and controlling populations of introduced American mink.

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