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News Releases

3D-printed birds welcome migrating terns to Scottish breeding sites

21 June, 2023

Species on the Edge partnership news release

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Some seabirds returning in lower numbers after avian flu outbreak

16 June, 2023

Some seabird species have returned to Scotland in lower numbers this breeding season following the devastating outbreak of avian flu last year, according to early monitoring by NatureScot and its partners.

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New report shows natural capital in Scotland holding steady

15 June, 2023

A new NatureScot report published today reveals the value of Scotland’s plants, wildlife, air, water, and land – known as natural capital – has held steady after increasing for the last two decades.

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Statistical News Release: Natural Capital Asset Index 2023

15 June, 2023

An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland

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Report shows more beavers moved as population continues to expand

09 June, 2023

A new report on beaver management shows a significant increase in the proportion of animals trapped and moved compared to lethally controlled last year, as the population continues to expand rapidly in Scotland.

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Green marine environment fund distributes £3.2m to 45 Scottish projects

08 June, 2023

A trailblazing marine environment fund – designed to help ensure Scotland’s coasts and seas are healthy, productive and nature-rich – is already having a great impact, after its first two years saw over £3.2m in funding distributed to 45 projects.

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Species on the Edge partnership news release: New species conservation programme tackling the decline of vulnerable coastal species in Scotland launched today

03 June, 2023

Eight leading conservation organisations have launched an innovative new multi-species conservation programme, Species on the Edge, focussed on reversing the decline of vulnerable coastal species in Scotland.

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Almost £1m in funding for extra rangers at Scotland’s nature hot spots this summer

02 June, 2023

Many of Scotland’s most popular natural sites are receiving a staffing boost this summer, with Scottish Government funding of £900,000 to support better visitor management and help safeguard the environment for visitors and local communities.

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REVISED: Over 75% of Scotland’s protected site natural features in good condition

31 May, 2023

Official statistics published today by NatureScot show that more than three quarters (76.4%) of Scotland’s natural features on protected nature sites are either in or recovering towards a favourable condition. Natural features include habitats and species, as well as geological features such as fossil beds and caves. Cooperative work with landowners on protected areas is key to improving the condition of sites.

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