20 February, 2025
Caithness green spaces take centre stage in new Nature Relaxation Film

Endangered species conservation programme, Species on the Edge, and Thurso-based yoga studio, Flow North Yoga and Wellbeing, have teamed up to produce the ‘Caithness Nature Relaxation Film’ which will have a public launch event on Sunday 2nd March.
The free launch event, taking place at Flow North Studio in Thurso from 3 - 4pm on the 2nd, will include a screening of the film, talks from the film-makers and from local organisations featured in the film, a guided relaxation session to help settle attendees’ mind and body, refreshments, and the opportunity to blend your own herbal teabag.
Iain Black of Flow North is also offering a free 45-minute yoga practice prior to the film launch, to celebrate the film’s completion and as a thank you to the many people who have contributed to the film.
The ten-minute film combines a celebration of Caithness’s nature with a guided relaxation, and features scenes shot at several well-known local green spaces, including Dunnet Community Forest, RSPB Forsinard Flows, and Thurso Community Gardens. The film-makers hope to encourage people who might not otherwise feel confident about spending time in nature to visit the outdoor spaces featured in the film, where staff and volunteers can be on hand to assist with planning a visit. By highlighting the support available, the film-makers hope that Caithness’s fabulous outdoor spaces can both feel and be more accessible to all.
The film has been developed to accompany a ‘Tools for Nature Relaxation’ workshop. Species on the Edge and Flow North are offering free 45-minute workshops to community groups based in Caithness who may benefit from learning techniques to enjoy the therapeutic effects of time spent in nature. Workshops will cover:
- fast facts about the science behind how time spent in nature benefits our wellbeing;
- mindful activities to help make the most of your time in nature;
- breathing techniques to help settle body and mind;
- a screening of the ‘Caithness Nature Relaxation Film’ - for those days when getting outside just isn’t possible.
The number of workshops available is limited and will be prioritised on a first come, first served basis.
Louise Senior, People Engagement Officer for Species on the Edge, says: ‘Evidence shows that time spent connecting with nature can do amazing things for your wellbeing, but learning to make and appreciate that connection is a skill that can be tricky for some people to master. Even people who think of themselves as ‘outdoorsy’ can miss out on some of those benefits because they may have a tendency to rush along and forget to slow down and notice the small things. With our ‘Tools for Nature Relaxation’ workshops, we hope to share a few tips and techniques that can support people with that process.’
Both the yoga practice and the film launch are free events, but places are limited and therefore booking is essential; book online at bookwhen.com/flownorth.
Please note that access to Flow North Studio (3 Grove Lane, Thurso, KW14 8AE) is via two flights of stairs.
For more information about the film launch event, or to enquire about hosting a ‘Tools for Nature Relaxation’ workshop, please contact Louise Senior, People Engagement Officer for Species on the Edge: louise.senior@plantlife.org.uk
Contact information
- Name
- Eilidh Ross
- eilidh.ross@nature.scot
Notes to editors
Notes to editors
Species on the Edge is a multi-partner species conservation programme dedicated to working with communities across Scotland’s coasts and islands to help them secure a future for their local vulnerable and threatened wildlife. Funded by The National Lottery Heritage Fund, the partnership consists of Amphibian and Reptile Conservation, Bat Conservation Trust, Buglife, Bumblebee Conservation Trust, Butterfly Conservation, NatureScot, Plantlife, and RSPB Scotland. The programme is active across seven landscape-scale areas in Scotland: Argyll and the Inner Hebrides; Outer Hebrides; North Coast; Orkney; Shetland; East Coast; Solway Coast.
NatureScot is Scotland's nature agency. We work to enhance our natural environment in Scotland and inspire everyone to care more about it. Our priority is a nature-rich future for Scotland and an effective response to the climate emergency. For more information, visit our website at www.nature.scot or follow us on X at https://x.com/NatureScot
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