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News Releases

New Dunbartonshire section of John Muir Way opens

23 January, 2015

An 800-metre stretch of upland section of the John Muir Way has been upgraded between Balloch and Helensburgh, announced Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) this week.

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Free wetlands walk at Loch Leven

20 January, 2015

A free wetlands walk showing off Loch Leven’s spectacular wildlife takes place on Sunday, 1 February.

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Call for voluntary restraint on large scale hare culls

24 December, 2014

A new joint initiative urging voluntary restraint on large scale culls of mountain hares has been launched today (23 December).

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SNH-GWCT-SL&E position on large-scale culls of mountain hares to reduce louping ill

23 December, 2014

The mountain hare is the only native species of hare or rabbit in Britain. In Scotland, heather moorland actively managed for red grouse, provides very good habitat for this species.

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Scotland’s outdoor habits revealed

19 December, 2014

The number of people visiting the outdoors for recreation has gone up, with the estimated number of visits at its highest in recent years, according to a report published today (19 December) by Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH).

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New photo contest celebrates Scotland’s urban deer

18 December, 2014

To celebrate one of Scotland’s most renowned and beloved animals, Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) is launching a free photo contest today (19 December) – Scotland’s first Urban Deer Photography Competition.

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New Islay goose management strategy announced

18 December, 2014

A new sustainable goose management strategy for the island of Islay has been announced today (18 December) by Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH).

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Call for concerted effort in black grouse conservation

16 December, 2014

A new report calls for greater and more sustained co-operative action to help save threatened black grouse populations in the south of Scotland.

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Wildcat Action receives massive boost from Heritage Lottery Fund

14 December, 2014

A ground-breaking co-operative conservation project to help the threatened Scottish wildcat is celebrating a Heritage Lottery Fund grant of £973,100.

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Wildcat Action receives massive boost from Heritage Lottery Fund

13 December, 2014

Embargoed until 0001hrs Sunday 14th December 2014

A ground-breaking co-operative conservation project to help the threatened Scottish wildcat is celebrating a Heritage Lottery Fund grant of £973,100.

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