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News Releases

New year for nature: six ways to help wildlife in 2023

06 January, 2023

More than half of Scots indicated they wanted to take action to help nature in 2022. These intentions now appear to be making a difference.

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Tern colony success at Forvie despite avian flu

21 December, 2022

Terns at NatureScot’s Forvie National Nature Reserve (NNRs) did well in 2022, despite the threat of avian flu.

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Nature restoration continues at Highland reserves

21 December, 2022

Large-scale habitat restoration has continued apace at NatureScot’s Highland National Nature Reserves (NNRs) this year.

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Highs and lows at Shetland National Nature Reserves this year

21 December, 2022

NatureScot’s National Nature Reserves (NNRs) in Shetland had a difficult year as avian flu swept through bonxie and gannet colonies, but there were glimmers of hope with other species faring well and some unusual sightings on the islands.

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Highs and lows at NatureScot’s nature reserves this year

21 December, 2022

NatureScot’s coastal National Nature Reserves (NNRs) had a difficult year as avian flu swept through some seabird colonies, but there were glimmers of hope with other species faring well.

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Acclaimed Gaelic specialist celebrates winter solstice and nature

21 December, 2022

As Scotland marks its longest night and shortest day – the Winter Solstice – acclaimed Gaelic writer, broadcaster and storyteller Roddy (Ruairidh) Maclean has compiled a unique Gaelic compendium for NatureScot which celebrates the nature, land and heritage of Scotland in the winter season.

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Giorradan Gàidhlig Grian-stad a’ Gheamhraidh

21 December, 2022

Mar a tha Alba a’ comharradh na h-oidhche as fhaide ’s an latha as ghiorra aice – grian-stad a’ gheamhraidh – tha sgrìobhadair, craoladair is sgeulaiche ainmeil Ruairidh MacIlleathain air giorradan àraidh a chruinneachadh a chomharraicheas nàdar, tìr is dualchas na h-Alba ann an ràith a’ gheamhraidh.

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Stirling deer project progress

19 December, 2022

A three-year project to achieve a sustainable population of deer on the Carse of Stirling has made significant progress.

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Beaver release at new Loch Lomond site approved

15 December, 2022

NatureScot has today approved a licence application from RSPB Scotland to release a family of beavers at Aber Burn in the Loch Lomond National Nature Reserve (NNR).

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Birds increase in urban areas

07 December, 2022

New research reveals an increase in the number of birds in Scotland’s towns and cities.

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