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News Releases

Pipistrelle bats increase in Scotland

08 October, 2015

Bat populations have declined substantially in Scotland over the last century, but one bat is making quite a comeback, according to a recent Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) and Bat Conservation Trust (BCT) report.

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SNH and HIE in equality drive

02 October, 2015

Two Scottish public sector organisations are taking steps to attract new board members from as varied a range of applicants as possible.

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In-stream restoration on the River Dee at Mar Lodge car bank

18 September, 2015

Improvements in the River Dee as part of a £3.5 million Pearls in Peril LIFE project to improve habitat for freshwater pearl mussels and salmon are set to go ahead the week of 21 September.

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Great free events at St Cyrus this fall

18 September, 2015

Plenty of free events are taking place at St Cyrus national nature reserve this autumn, including celebrating a local poet with music and more, making beach sculptures out of beach finds, and stepping back in time for a costumed afternoon of fun activities.

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New guidance supports the tidal energy sector and helps protect marine wildlife

18 September, 2015

Guidance from Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) to help the offshore renewables industry ensure the right development goes in the right place goes out to public consultation today.

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Seals in the spotlight on the Isle of May

17 September, 2015

Grey seals will be in the spotlight on the Isle of May’s over the weekend of 26 and 27 of September, with a SNH event to give people the chance to see seals basking on the rocks and to learn more about their secret lives.

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Deer stalking lease on Isle of Rum

16 September, 2015

Commercial stag shooting will be available on the Isle of Rum National Nature Reserve (NNR) for the next two seasons, Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) confirmed today.

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Locals invited to an SNH reception in Edinburgh

15 September, 2015

Local people are being invited along to an informal reception held by Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) at the Edinburgh Training and Conference Venue in St. Mary’s Street from 5.30 to 7pm on Tuesday 22nd September 2015.

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Leabhran ainmean-àite Gàidhlig ga fhoillseachadh san Eilean Sgitheanach

04 September, 2015

Thèid leabhran ùr air na ceanglaichean Gàidhlig anns an dualchas chultarail is nàdarra againn fhoillseachadh aig Fèis Leabhraichean an Eilein an-diugh (Dihaoine 4 Sultain).

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Gaelic place-names booklet launched in Skye

04 September, 2015

A new guide celebrating Gaelic’s far-reaching links with our cultural and natural heritage is set to be launched at the Skye Book Festival today (Friday 4 September).

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