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News Releases

Giorradan Gàidhlig Grian-stad a’ Gheamhraidh

21 December, 2022

Mar a tha Alba a’ comharradh na h-oidhche as fhaide ’s an latha as ghiorra aice – grian-stad a’ gheamhraidh – tha sgrìobhadair, craoladair is sgeulaiche ainmeil Ruairidh MacIlleathain air giorradan àraidh a chruinneachadh a chomharraicheas nàdar, tìr is dualchas na h-Alba ann an ràith a’ gheamhraidh.

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Stirling deer project progress

19 December, 2022

A three-year project to achieve a sustainable population of deer on the Carse of Stirling has made significant progress.

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Beaver release at new Loch Lomond site approved

15 December, 2022

NatureScot has today approved a licence application from RSPB Scotland to release a family of beavers at Aber Burn in the Loch Lomond National Nature Reserve (NNR).

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Birds increase in urban areas

07 December, 2022

New research reveals an increase in the number of birds in Scotland’s towns and cities.

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Public asked for help as Moray avian flu cases increase

29 November, 2022

NatureScot is asking members of the public and goose shooters to avoid Findhorn Bay in Moray as much as possible after reports of more than 22 dead pink-footed geese and an unusual number of gulls in the area.

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Four Nation Call for Nature to Remain at Top of Government Agenda

22 November, 2022

The nature agencies of the four nations of the United Kingdom have come together, ahead of COP15 in December, to call on governments to keep biodiversity loss and climate change at the top of the agenda.

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New green tech could transform deer count

18 November, 2022

Innovative new technologies are being trialled that could help revolutionise the way deer numbers are tracked across Scotland.

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Green fund distributes £3m to enhance Scotland’s coasts and seas

17 November, 2022

A ground-breaking initiative, which has distributed almost £3 million to transform the health of Scotland’s coasts and seas, opens its first privately-funded grant round today (17 November).

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Scotland’s First Academic Peatland Restoration Course Launched

03 November, 2022

A new course in peatland restoration, the first of its kind in Scotland, is now open for booking. The course, supported with additional online learning, has been developed by Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) in partnership with NatureScot Peatland ACTION and is aimed at graduates currently involved, or aspiring to work, in the planning of peatland restoration schemes which are a vital nature-based solution to the climate emergency.

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More than £500K announced for natural capital projects

01 November, 2022

Seven pioneering private investment projects to restore nature and improve opportunities for people to access and enjoy it, while mitigating and adapting to climate change, have been awarded Investment Ready Nature in Scotland (IRNS) funding.

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