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Gàirnealairean air am brosnachadh gus fois a ghabhail as t-fhoghar

10 October, 2024

Tha NàdarAlba ag iarraidh air gàirnealairean fois a ghabhail as t-fhoghar agus na gàrraidhean aca fhàgail mar a tha iad airson poileanadairean a tha fo uallach a chuideachadh tron gheamhradh.

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Gardeners urged to help pollinators this autumn by taking a break

10 October, 2024

NatureScot is urging gardeners to take a break this autumn and leave their gardens alone to help struggling pollinators over the winter.

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Online hub launches for Galloway National Park proposal

10 September, 2024

A dedicated online hub has been set up to share news, information and a space for conversation, as residents and communities in Galloway and beyond debate the Scottish Government’s proposed national park status for the area.

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Appeal to help track greylag geese

05 September, 2024

People in Orkney and north-east Scotland are being asked to look out for greylag geese with special GPS collars as part of an international project to understand more about the Icelandic population.

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Scotland’s woodland heritage mapped for the future

30 August, 2024

An inspiring new quest has launched to unearth the stories and restoration potential of the country’s forgotten woodland sites.

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A’ mapadh dualchas coilltean na h-Alba an-dè airson a-màireach

30 August, 2024

Thòisich iomairt ùr airson lorg fhaighinn air coilltean ar dùthcha a chaidh air dìochuimhne an tòir cothroman ath-shlànachaidh.

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