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13 May, 2021

Statistical News Release: The Proportion of Scotland's Protected Sites in Favourable Condition 2021

An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland

13 May 2021 – NatureScot has today released the latest figures tracking the proportion of Scottish natural features in favourable or recovering condition.

The main findings show that, as of 31st March 2021, 78.3% of Scotland’s natural features on protected nature sites are either in or recovering towards a favourable condition. The proportion of features in favourable condition as measured by the indicator has decreased by 0.5 percentage point in the last year from 78.8%. A difference of less than +/-1 percentage point from last year's figure suggests that the position is more likely to be maintaining than showing any change.

The report draws on annual monitoring carried out by NatureScot of the condition of the 5,460 natural features across Scotland. As of 31st March 2021, 5,301 natural features were assessed, divided into three categories: habitats (78.3% in favourable condition), species (72.5% in favourable condition) and earth sciences, which includes geographical outcrops and landforms, fossil beds, and caves (97.3% in favourable condition).

Overall, the condition of 14 natural features on protected areas has improved to favourable or recovering condition, while 32 have deteriorated to unfavourable condition.

The full statistical publication can be accessed at:


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0131 316 2655

NatureScot is Scotland's nature agency. We work to enhance our natural environment in Scotland and inspire everyone to care more about it. Our priority is a nature-rich future for Scotland and an effective response to the climate emergency. For more information, visit our website at or follow us on Twitter at

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