02 April, 2015
Spring in your step in Dundee
As spring arrives, there are plenty of places in Dundee for people to enjoy nature and get fit and healthy at the same time, says Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH).
As part of its Keep Healthy and Happy campaign, SNH has published two route leaflets which highlight great spots for outdoor activities in the Dundee area: one covers Finlathen Park, Dawson Park, Ninewells Arboretum and Balgay Park, while the other includes Baxter Park, Stobsmuir Park, Den O'Mains and Dundee Law.
The leaflets suggest fun activities, pinpointing spots for picnics, wildlife spotting, play parks, ponds and viewpoints. To download the leaflets, go to www.bit.ly/1ExN7ke. The leaflets are also available in Polish.
Craig Melville, Convenor of Dundee City Council Environment Department, said:
“The great thing about living in Dundee is how easy it is step out your door and get into nature. There are so many parks, as well as river and woodland walks. And spring is the time to get in the habit of getting outside and being active. Not only will it help you get healthy, but it will also make you happier!”
One project which gives Dundonians a wonderful place to enjoy the outdoors is Dighty Connect. SNH has been helping Dighty Connect, a volunteer-led project which works along the Dighty burn on both conservation and cultural activities. Their projects range from constructing amphibian habitats, involving local dog walkers in wildlife recording and creating a storybook on litter with young children. Coming up is a Dighty Spring Walk, a 12-mile walk along the whole length of the burn taking place on Saturday, April 25 at 10am. See www.dightyconnect.org for more information.
Sue Warbrick of the SNH Tayside & Grampian unit, added:
“We’re really proud to fund the local Dighty Connect group, as all their projects start with local peoples’ ideas and not some ’expert’ from outside the area. These ideas are bringing the Dighty Burn to life in so many ways for everyone to enjoy.
“It’s now much easier for people to enjoy a walk along this fantastic burn that runs through Dundee. There are new colourful mosaic waymarkers and benches, improved and new wildlife habitats, and there’s also been a huge spring clean.
“If you want to make a difference on the Dighty, learn new skills or meet new people, then get involved with one of Dighty Connect’s regular weekly groups.”
There are also plenty of suggestions for Dundee-area walks through Ramblers at www.ramblers.org.uk/go-walking/routes-and-places-to-walk/medal-routes/medal-routes-walking-hubs.aspx . Find out more about Dundee parks, ranger events, walking groups and cycling at www.dundeecity.gov.uk/greenexercise .
For more information, contact Vicki Mowat, SNH PR & Media Officer, on 0131 316 2659 or 07917 071 543 or vicki.mowat@snh.gov.uk or contact the main SNH press office on 01463 725 022.
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- SNH Media
- snhmedia@snh.gov.uk
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