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02 April, 2015

Spring in your step in Ayr

As spring and Easter break arrive, there are plenty of places in Ayr for people to enjoy nature and get fit and healthy at the same time, says Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH).

As part of its Keep Healthy and Happy campaign, SNH has published a leaflet which highlights great places for outdoor activities in the Ayr area, highlighting Belleisle and Rozelle Parks, as well as the beach and promenade.

The leaflet suggests fun activities, pinpointing spots for beach activities, picnics, wildlife spotting, cycling and walking, as well as places to go to enjoy gardens and cultural and historical attractions. To download the leaflet, go to

Another way to kick off spring is to join South Ayrshire Council in partnership with SNH for a Nordic Walking event on Friday, 1 May from 10.30am to 12 noon. Nordic Walking is an enhancement of ordinary walking. It involves walking with specially designed poles to propel the walker along, making the muscles work harder but making it feel easier. Nordic Walking uses approximately 90% of the muscles in the body and burns 42% more calories than ordinary walking. It's fun and effective and can be done by anybody, anywhere. For more info, see

Participants will be given a short Nordic Walk introduction, followed by a 40-minute Nordic walk around Belleisle and Rozelle. Book a place by emailing or calling 01292 612241. Poles will be provided.

Rozelle Park is 96 acres of beautiful parkland, which includes mature trees, accessible paths, a beautiful ornamental pond, wetlands, and gardens featuring rhododendrons, azaleas and ornamental trees. It’s a great spot for sports, horseback riding, walking the dog, and bird watching. You can spot over 80 types of birds at Rozelle. Grey squirrels, stoats, weasels, hedgehogs and foxes also frequent the park.

At Belleisle, you can enjoy a deer park, a children’s play area, woodland walks and a formal walled garden. The park also has lovely parkland and woodlands, and even boasts two 18-hole municipal golf courses. Both parks have cafes, toilets and car parks, including disabled parking.

The beach is a great place for so many family activities from building a sandcastle, paddling, collecting shells or having a picnic. Next up could be a trip down the promenade where the kids can enjoy a great play area and everyone can try the putting green. You might also spot an otter, or cygnets and ducklings out with their mums.

Fiona Fisher, SNH Ayrshire operation officer, said:

“One great way to celebrate the Easter break this year is to get outside and enjoy nature. There are some lovely parks in Ayr, as well as a great beach and promenade. You can easily step out your front door and be in a park or on the beach in no time. And spring is the time to get in the habit of getting outside and being active. Not only will it help you get healthy, but it will also make you happier!”


For more information, contact Vicki Mowat, SNH PR & Media Officer, on 0131 316 2659 or 07917 071 543 or or contact the main SNH press office on 01463 725 022.

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SNH Media

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