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10 March, 2015

SNH to move to shared office in Dunoon

The Cowal team of Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) are set to move to a new office on the seafront in Dunoon on 16 March. They will join VisitScotland staff in the Information Centre on Alexandra Parade, after almost 12 years at Ballochyle Estate, Sandbank.

The move is the latest in a series of SNH office relocations to share facilities with other organisations. The aim is to provide a more efficient and effective service, cut costs and reduce climate change impacts. Other SNH offices where this has already happened include Inverness, Dingwall, Golspie, Aberdeen, Ayr, Oban, Fort William, Dumfries and Edinburgh.

Andrew Campbell, operations manager for Argyll said: "We are always looking for ways to make our offices more environmentally, operationally and financially efficient. The new shared office with VisitScotland will help us provide a better service at lower cost and importantly, stay in the area so we can continue to give advice and support to the local community."

The new address for SNH in Dunoon is 7 Alexandra Parade, Dunoon PA23 8AB, but calls and post to the old address will be redirected for six months.


For media enquiries contact Nancy Fraser, SNH media & public relations officer on 0141 951 0809 / 0141 951 4488 or

Notes to editors

The new Dunoon office

Three SNH staff are based in the Dunoon office and join four VisitScotland staff in the Information Centre.

Scottish Natural Heritage is the government's adviser on all aspects of nature and landscape across Scotland. Our role is to help everyone understand, value and enjoy Scotland's nature now and in the future. For more information, see SNH media is also now on Twitter at

Contact information

SNH Media

NatureScot is Scotland's nature agency. We work to enhance our natural environment in Scotland and inspire everyone to care more about it. Our priority is a nature-rich future for Scotland and an effective response to the climate emergency. For more information, visit our website at or follow us on X at

’S e NatureScot buidheann nàdair na h-Alba. Bidh sinn a’ neartachadh àrainneachd na h-Alba agus a’ brosnachadh dhaoine gu barrachd suim a chur ann an nàdar. Tha e mar phrìomhachas againn gum bi nàdar na h-Alba beairteach agus gun dèilig sinn gu h-èifeachdach le èiginn na gnàth-shìde. Tha an tuilleadh fiosrachaidh aig no air X aig