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29 November, 2019

SNH statement: Deer Progress Report

Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) has today published a report assessing progress in deer management in Scotland, prepared for the Scottish Government.

Robbie Kernahan, SNH’s Head of Wildlife Management, said:

“We welcome the significant progress made by landowners and managers, and thank them for all their hard work so far. There are still challenges ahead – but this report shows important improvements. Enriching nature is long-term work and we expect to see more tangible benefits in the coming years, adding to Scotland’s biodiversity and helping tackle climate change.

“We continue to work with environment groups and deer managers to strengthen and develop approaches to manage deer across Scotland. We await the forthcoming Deer Working Group Report and recommendations, and SNH is committed to taking a lead role in further work to ensure Scotland deer are sustainably managed.”

The full report is available at



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