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11 April, 2014

SNH responds to raptor poisonings in Ross-shire

In response to the red kite and buzzard poisonings in Ross-shire, Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) is issuing the following statement today (11 April).

Ian Ross, SNH Chairman, said:

“This case is the subject of an ongoing police investigation. But I would like to state that we in SNH condemn any form of wildlife crime and the growing catalogue of suspected cases in the Black Isles is shocking, grim and distressing.

“Nature-based tourism is worth £1.4 billion a year to Scotland’s economy. It’s clear that acts like this detract from that value and diminish Scotland’s appeal as a major wildlife tourism destination. They can also damage the local economy as many locals and visitors are keen to see these magnificent birds in the wider countryside. And, of course, it causes an appalling level of natural heritage and wildlife damage.

“We’re committed in this case, as in all others, to working strongly in partnership with Police Scotland, and other members of the Partnership Against Wildlife Crime Scotland (PAWS) to stamp out wildlife crime in Scotland.

“We support any measures to help protected species like red kite, and cases of this nature are a major obstacle to ensuring that aim. As an organisation, SNH has put considerable resources into the reintroduction of red kites.

“SNH works closely with Police Scotland and the National Wildlife Crime Unit on wildlife crime allegations and we part-fund a police officer seconded from Police Scotland to the National Wildlife Crime Unit to support police operations.”

Notes to editors

For more information on wildlife crime and how to report it, see the PAW Scotland website at The Partnership for Action Against Wildlife Crime in Scotland - PAW Scotland – includes SNH, the police, land managers, conservationists and the Scottish Government. PAW Scotland works together to fight wildlife crime in Scotland.

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SNH Media

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