22 May, 2014
SNH publishes revised guidance on wind farm siting and design
Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) has today (Thursday 22 May) published revised guidance on siting and designing wind farms in the landscape at the All Energy conference in Aberdeen.
Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) has today (Thursday 22 May) published revised guidance on siting and designing wind farms in the landscape at the All Energy conference in Aberdeen.
The guidance sets out key principles for siting wind farms in the landscape and provides advice on minimising impacts through good design. It seeks to provide an early steer to developers on the design issues they should consider and promote a consistent approach to assessing proposals.
It contains new advice on turbine colour and uses clearer and more explanatory images to illustrate the design principles. The text has been simplified, following experience of using the guidance at public inquiries and advice SNH has provided relating to wind farms across Scotland.
The guidance replaces the first version published in 2009 and is intended to maximise the scope for wind farm development by encouraging the right wind farm in the right location.
It has learnt from good practice and sets out key principles for landscapes with multiple wind farms. The aim is to reduce cumulative effects by making sure that wind farms relate well to one another and that our most important landscapes are protected.
Brendan Turvey, policy manager for renewables at SNH, said: "We want to see wind farms which are well designed in the right locations. This guidance sets out the key principles to achieve this.
"Experience has shown that good design can make a significant difference to the overall landscape and visual impact. As more wind farms are developed in Scotland it is important that new sites are well designed to minimise cumulative effects on our landscapes."
The revised guidance can be found at: www.snh.gov.uk/planning-and-development/renewable-energy/onshore-wind/landscape-impacts-guidance/
Media inquiries: Fergus Macneill, SNH Public Relations: 01463 725021
Scottish Natural Heritage is the government's adviser on all aspects of nature and landscape across Scotland. Our role is to help everyone understand, value and enjoy Scotland's nature now and in the future. For more information, visit our website at www.snh.gov.uk SNH media is also now on Twitter at http://twitter.com/SNH_Tweets
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