13 May, 2015
SNH: have your say on special place for nature
Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) is inviting people to have their say on a 10-year management plan for a wooded section of National Nature Reserve.
Dell Woods is a key part of the wider Abernethy NNR which is managed by the RSPB. Dell Woods has an important role as a local visitor hub.
Characteristic pinewood plants and animals flourish, despite challenges presented by climate change. And the forest continues to develop with a diverse shrub layer and good areas of juniper.
SNH is committed to creating opportunities for research and monitoring to inform management adaptations, surveying dragonflies, damselflies and their habitats, monitoring twinflower colonies and commissioning research to understand better the ecology of green shield-moss.
Locals are being invited to a drop-in session at the Nethy Bridge Community and Visitor Centre on 16 June from 3-7pm.
Peter Duncan, SNH’s reserves manager, said: “We know that people are proud of the reserve. We are committed to ensuring they have their say on its management and we want as many folk as possible to respond.
“The reserve’s pinewoods are easily enjoyed by using the paths on the reserve and we are also delighted the community is so engaged in Dell Woods and help it provide a range of public benefits.”
SNH will also work with the local community and RSPB to enhance the special qualities of the NNR ; promote the northern fringe of the NNR, connected by the Speyside Way, as a zone for visitors, and support the reserve’s promotion through the Nethy Bridge Community and Visitor Centre..
In addition, SNH is considering having brown tourism signs to help people find the NNR and the visitor centre from the main road.
Contact information
- Name
- SNH Media
- snhmedia@snh.gov.uk
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