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20 February, 2015

SNH: advice in planning yields better results for people and nature

Scottish Natural Heritage’s (SNH) engagement in the planning system is delivering benefits for people and nature, its Board heard on Thursday 19 February.

The Board considered material on how SNH ’s performance is helping to get the best possible development in the right places and create better places for people and nature.

The material included feedback from the Scottish Government, the views of customers and research on outcomes.

Overall, the key findings were:

  • SNH’s collaborative approach with stakeholders and other agencies is welcomed;
  • Planners and developers are particularly positive about SNH’s advice and guidance
  • SNH’s engagement is making a difference to people, nature and landscapes, particularly when its advice is early in the planning process.

Ian Ross, SNH’s chairman, said: The planning system provides a key tool for SNH to make a positive contribution to sustainable economic growth. The studies show we have played a significant role in helping to deliver good quality development in the right place.”

“It is clear that our work is both valued by customers and crucially is achieving benefits for the natural heritage, whether with wider landscapes, protected species, biodiversity or protected areas. It is also encouraging that our efforts to contribute to such areas as pre-application advice and the development of planning policy and strategy are recognised as of great value. They also help to provide greater certainty to planning applications.

“And while we are going in the right direction, there are areas where further improvement is possible – we are firmly committed to doing this. For example, we need to do more than just advise on reducing impacts on nature, we need to help plan for and provide opportunities for our natural heritage to deliver and maximise public benefits to our culture, health, well-being and economy.”

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