20 May, 2015
Scottish Nature Festival to launch with Edinburgh BookWood
Scotland’s Nature Festival 2015 begins this Friday with free events across the country and a book give-a-way in Edinburgh.
Organised by Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) and partners, the May 22nd-31th festival boasts a huge array of community events, taking place from the Highlands to Angus, the Central Belt, and the Scottish Borders.
A new event, BookWood, launches the festival this year. SNH asked people on Twitter, Facebook and on the BBC Out of Doors radio programme which nature books most inspired them. The books that topped the list will be hung from a tree in Princes Street Gardens (East), near the Scottish Gallery Café, for people to take away for free on Friday, 22nd May from 8am to 2pm and on Saturday 23rd May from 10am to 3pm.
Scotland’s Nature Festival organiser, Zeshan Akhter, said:
“We’re really excited about our new event this year, BookWood. Books can really open our eyes and remind us what it is we love about nature. I hope people will come along and pick up a free book – and once they’ve read it, we hope they’ll think about leaving it in a café, a bus or even in the beautiful Scottish countryside for somebody else to enjoy.”
Other festival events include ranger-led walks in parks and the countryside; bluebell walks; seashore safaris; guided walks on SNH and other nature reserves, including walks with foraging or bushcraft experts; expert talks on nature, including bat, bird and otter talks and walks; and more. For information on these and many other events across Scotland, see www.list.co.uk and search for ‘Scotland’s Nature Festival’.
Zeshan added:
“We’ve teamed up with local people and organisations to bring you plenty of fun events this year. With events across Scotland, it’s easy for everyone to find an event nearby.”
Most events are free; a few will have a minimal charge. Events are being held by all kinds of organisations, including ranger services, countryside parks, NGOs, faith organisations, nature reserves, community groups, and gardens.
Scotland’s Nature Festival (formerly Scottish Biodiversity Week) has been held every year since 2001, starting as a local initiative in Fife in 2000 and growing into a national event. Scotland’s Nature Festival is about celebrating Scotland's precious wildlife and landscapes and offers the chance for everyone to get out and about and experience it for themselves. For more information and event listings, see www.list.co.uk and search for ‘Scottish Nature Festival’.
This year’s theme is Love Life, Love Nature. We need nature. Nature produces air for us to breathe, food to eat, water to drink and medicines to cure our ills. It is where we go to re-charge our batteries, relax and get away from the stresses and strains of our daily lives. Nature inspires and comforts us and we make it our playground.
Contact information
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- SNH Media
- snhmedia@snh.gov.uk
NatureScot is Scotland's nature agency. We work to enhance our natural environment in Scotland and inspire everyone to care more about it. Our priority is a nature-rich future for Scotland and an effective response to the climate emergency. For more information, visit our website at www.nature.scot or follow us on X at https://x.com/NatureScot
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