08 October, 2015
Scotland’s natural heritage celebrated at Royal National Mòd
The Royal National Mòd in Oban is set to stage a performance of the acclaimed ‘Mìorbhail nam Beann’ (The Wonder Of The Mountains).
A blend of the Gaelic poetry and song by Argyll’s Donnchadh Ban/Duncan Bàn MacIntyre, it is sponsored by Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH).
Renowned fiddler Iain MacFarlane of Glenfinnan was tasked with creating the bilingual ‘Mìorbhail nam Beann’ as a special commission for the 2014 Blas Festival.
The work explores the past and present relationship linking people, land and culture. For the commission, Iain, with Ewan Henderson (Mànran); Ewan Robertson (Breabach) and Hamish Napier (Back of the Moon) formed ‘The Donnchadh Bàn Boys’ who reprise that successful show at The Mod this year.
One of the legacies of the commission was the production of a CD by SNH of a selection of the songs and including a narration of Donnchadh Ban’s most famous song Moladh Beinn Dobhrain / In Praise of Ben Dorain.
John MacFarlane of Taynuilt, a third generation native Argyll Gaelic speaker and Gaelic Society of Inverness Chieftain reads the complex poem in its entirety – just as in Duncan Bàn’s day. CDs will be distributed after the show; again, as a legacy.
Ian Ross, the SNH chairman, said: “We are thrilled to be supporting this year’s Royal National Mòd in Oban. Duncan Bàn’s work highlights our longstanding connection with our natural landscapes.
“Our role in caring for our precious landscapes, seas and wildlife is vital for safeguarding our natural assets for future generations. Mìorbhail nam Beann explores these modern concepts of ecosystems and sustainability by looking at the past and present relationship between people, land and culture.”
The show was commissioned for the 10th anniversary of the Blas Festival in 2014 and premiered at SNH’s Inverness headquarters, Great Glen House, in September 2014.
It has since reached audiences in several other locations, including Glasgow at Celtic Connections 2015. This is its first performance at Gaeldom’s premier annual festival. The show, an official Mòd fringe event, will be in the Argyllshire Gathering Hall in Oban on Thursday 15 October at 7pm.
SNH will have a stall at the Gaelic Showcase from 13-16 October at which the organisation will highlight its commitment to supporting Gaelic development.
Duncan Bàn celebrated the attractions of nature and wild places in his poetry, and the themes of his writing and its enduring appeal will be the subject of a conversation on Wednesday 14 October when Gaelic broadcaster and writer Roddy Maclean will lead a bilingual interview with Brigadier MacFarlane.
The Donnchadh Bàn Boys will also provide musical interludes as part of the Gaelic Showcase in the Corran Halls at 2pm.
The Royal National Mòd is organised by An Comunn Gàidhealach. The Gaelic festival provides opportunities for people of all ages to perform across a range of competitive disciplines including Gaelic music and song, Highland dancing, instrumental, drama, sport and literature.
Further information on the Royal National Mòd 2015 is available at www.modanobain2015.com
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- SNH Media
- snhmedia@snh.gov.uk
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