21 December, 2018
Rudolph’s Magic Flying Mix - no plastic required

Before Santa sets off on his merry way, Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) is reminding people to leave nature friendly food out for the reindeer this Christmas Eve - with no plastic, glitter or sparkles included.
A carrot is traditionally a great option for Rudolph, but it is now becoming more common to sprinkle trails outside to guide the reindeer and to help them fly. However these trails are likely to be eaten by birds and other animals, making it even more important to keep any sparkles such as glitter or confetti out as they contain plastic and shouldn’t be consumed by any animal.
SNH recommend this simple Magic Mix to help not only the reindeer but also all their furry and feathered friends:
Reindeer Magic Flying Mix recipe:
- 1 x small cup of porridge oats
- 1 x small cup of bird seed
- 1 x small cup of dried cranberries
Mix together and sprinkle outside.
Des Thompson, Flying Reindeer Nutritional Expert at SNH, knows all about what helps these magical animals fly. He said:
“This hearty mix of porridge oats, bird feed and cranberries is just what the reindeer love to nibble on. The porridge keeps them going all through the night, the bird feed helps them fly and the red cranberries are not only one of their five a day but also the red colour keeps Rudolph’s nose shining bright! Oh, and don’t forget Santa, and his love of a sweet treat!”
Even ‘edible’ cake sprinkles intended for human consumption can give animals sore stomachs and other dried fruit such as raisins can be poisonous to dogs, so please stick to the mix above.
MEDIA QUERIES - For more information, contact the SNH press office on snhmedia@nature.scot or 0131 316 2655.
Video is available via the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHWa5ptkFkg
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