23 June, 2014
New wild land map published to support national planning documents
A new map of Scotland’s wild land areas has been published. The map supports the new National Planning Framework and Scottish Planning Policy, also launched today (Monday 23 June).
The map was produced by Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) to identify the most extensive areas of the highest wildness in Scotland that are considered nationally important. It was prepared after a seven-week public consultation at the end of last year and detailed analysis of new data.
The new map shows 42 wild land areas covering 19.5% of Scotland. It replaces a map published in 2013 in support of the draft Scottish Planning Policy.
Speaking at the launch of the planning framework and policy, Ian Jardine, SNH chief executive, said:
“One of our roles is to work with planners and developers to help get the right development in the right place. We do this by providing advice on nature and landscape. This new map helps to do this by identifying which are the key areas of wild land. We warmly welcome the Government’s recognition of these areas in the new National Planning Framework and the Scottish Planning Policy.”
He added:
“The planning documents launched today do much more than recognise the importance of the wild land resource. They also recognise the extensive role of nature and landscape in the wider sense, and people’s enjoyment of it, in achieving sustainable economic growth.
“The planned National Walking and Cycling Network, for example, will offer broad health, active travel and tourism benefits. And the commitment to plan for green infrastructure is particularly important if we are to make better places for people to live and work in.”
The new map of Scotland’s wild land areas is available on the SNH website at:
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- SNH Media
- snhmedia@snh.gov.uk
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