01 April, 2015
New-look Beinn Eighe visitor centre set to open doors
The new-look
visitor centre at Beinn Eighe National Nature Reserve (NNR) is set to open later
this week in time for the Easter break.
touches are being made at the centre which is preparing to throw open its doors
to visitors this Saturday (4 April).
The £330,000
restoration has been achieved thanks to 45% funding from the European Rural
Development Fund (ERDF) as part of a drive to celebrate the many attractions on
50,000 visitors each year have the chance to see golden eagle, red deer,
white-tailed eagle, and black-throated divers at the reserve, set amid stunning
Wester Ross scenery.
And the
visitor centre will remain open from Easter to October this year from 10am-5pm.
It is the
ideal venue from which to explore the magnificent 4046-hectare reserve which
stretches from loch shore to mountain top embracing rugged peaks, ridges, moor,
pine forest and a cluster of islands.
Beinn Eighe
NNR embraces more than 48 square kilometres from lochside to mountain top. And with the chance of anything from a
15-minute stroll to a strenuous mountain day, it is a wonderful location.
The portfolio
of improved visitor facilities includes the local trail interpretation being
given a makeover; new visitor centre installations, and a new wildlife viewing
The visitor
centre is a focal point for visitors to the National Nature Reserve. It now boasts new displays which are visual
and appealing in design, and focus on landscape and species.
Ian Ross,
the SNH chairman, confirmed: “We are committed to bringing the spectacle of the
Highland’s wildlife to visitors and locals and are providing live camera feeds
from the white-tailed eagle nest on the reserve and a wildlife viewing area.
There is also interpretive information on local species and their behaviour.
“We also
have nest cameras and feeders for woodland birds so that people can observe
them in their natural habitat. And there
is a new wildlife viewing hide which will allow visitors to get up close and
personal with the array of other species at Beinn Eighe.
“This is a
demonstration of our commitment to enhancing our natural heritage and also
encouraging visitors to explore Beinn Eighe, discover the delights of Wester
Ross and enjoy the wealth of landscape, plants and animals on offer.”
Beinn Eighe
is Britain’s first national nature reserve and dates from 1951. Currently there
are 47 NNRs in Scotland. All have
special plants, animals and landforms that are worthy of conservation.
Contact information
- Name
- SNH Media
- snhmedia@snh.gov.uk
NatureScot is Scotland's nature agency. We work to enhance our natural environment in Scotland and inspire everyone to care more about it. Our priority is a nature-rich future for Scotland and an effective response to the climate emergency. For more information, visit our website at www.nature.scot or follow us on X at https://x.com/NatureScot
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