07 November, 2024
NatureScot launches consultation for Scotland’s proposed new National Park in Galloway

Public encouraged to ‘have your voice heard’ in third National Park consultation, following community conversations, surveys and fieldwork.
NatureScot has opened the formal (statutory) consultation on whether a new National Park should be established in Galloway and parts of South and East Ayrshire. The consultation will include looking at what a potential new Park might consist of – from its boundary to its board makeup, and even what the Park could be called. It will also seek to gauge opinion on the proposal and alternatives to it.
The formal consultation will run from today (7 November) until 14 February 2025 and is accessible on the NatureScot website and in print, audio and Gaelic versions. During the second half of November, a consultation leaflet will be distributed to 52,000 households and businesses within the proposed area.
Public events will be happening across the area in the coming weeks, facilitated by independent consultants on behalf of NatureScot, ensuring that people are supported to share their thoughts and opinions in a positive environment. There will be sessions within each event asking for responses on a variety of topics, as well as interactive boards and spaces and opportunities to leave anonymous feedback. Respondents can also complete a consultation leaflet in writing.
NatureScot will then report a full account and analysis of all views expressed during its engagement and consultation to Ministers in spring next year. The Scottish Government is ultimately the decision maker on whether there will be a Galloway National Park.
NatureScot Head of People and Places, Pete Rawcliffe said: “A new National Park in Galloway is still a proposal and not a done deal, and this is an opportunity for anyone with an interest in the proposal to have their voice heard. We are committed to ensuring every aspect of this is fair, transparent and as inclusive as possible.
“We need the communities who live and work across the south west of Scotland to take part in this consultation, and tell us what matters to them in order to make sure our advice to government is a fair reflection of the views held in their area.
“Our staff who work locally and nationally appreciate the thoughts and ideas that so many residents, communities, businesses, public bodies and other interested parties have contributed so far. This vital input, alongside our fieldwork, has helped shape the options we are now consulting on and we’re looking forward to seeing everyone’s ideas and feedback.”
The process started when communities and organisations across Scotland submitted formal nominations to the Scottish Government which were then appraised by a panel, against specific criteria set out in the published framework. The Scottish Government made a statutory proposal for a New National Park to be established based on Galloway National Park Association and the Galloway and Southern Ayrshire UNESCO Biosphere's bid. NatureScot is the Reporter commissioned to investigate the proposed Park, having undertaken the same role for Scotland’s first two National Parks, in Loch Lomond and the Trossachs and the Cairngorms.
After receiving NatureScot’s advice and consultation analysis in Spring 2025, the Scottish Government will then decide whether or not to proceed with the designation of a National Park in Galloway. If the Government decides to proceed, it will consult further on the more detailed contents of a Draft Designation Order. The final stage of the process is the consideration of the Designation Order by the Scottish Parliament and this will include the chance for the public to provide views to constituency MSPs. The Scottish Parliament would then scrutinise the draft legislation before deciding whether to approve it.
Contact information
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- NatureScot Media
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- 0131 316 2655
- media@nature.scot
Notes to editors
Notes to Editors
- Information on the proposal, an interactive map, surveys and consultation event details can be found by visiting the Community Information Hub
- The full Scottish Government proposal for a National Park can be read here: National Park in Galloway: proposal by Scottish Ministers.
- The Galloway National Park Association and the Galloway and Southern Ayrshire UNESCO Biosphere's bid
- Facts about Scotland's existing National Parks can be found on NatureScot’s National Parks web pages.
NatureScot is Scotland's nature agency. We work to enhance our natural environment in Scotland and inspire everyone to care more about it. Our priority is a nature-rich future for Scotland and an effective response to the climate emergency. For more information, visit our website at www.nature.scot or follow us on X at https://x.com/NatureScot
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