25 August, 2015
Nature site set to see action to improve Scots pine woodland
The most northerly estuary on Scotland's east coast, Loch Fleet National Nature Reserve (NNR) is set for work aimed at conserving and enhancing its native Scots pine woodland.
The reserve, managed by Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) is a large tidal basin surrounded by dunes, saltmarsh and pine woods. It is particularly stunning during the autumn, but whatever the season, these habitats support a variety of wildlife to see and enjoy.
Loch Fleet Site of Scientific Interest (SSSI) underpins Loch Fleet NNR. It is designated in part for the native Scots pine which is currently in ‘unfavourable condition’ due to deer grazing pressure and the presence of non-native trees.
SNH is committed to ensuring the woodland recovers, and is working closely with the site owners, Sutherland Estates, and the Estate’s forest managers, Scottish Woodlands, to manage deer numbers, remove invasive species and cut out non-native tree species. This work will be commenced in September, following the end of the bird breeding season.
Adam Rose, SNH’s Loch Fleet NNR manager, said: “The removal of non-native trees and invasive shrubs will focus on felling conifers, such as lodgepole pine, Sitka spruce and fir species.
“We will also be tackling the issue of invasive rhododendron and whins in Balblair woods.
“Part of the work this September will also involve felling a number of large beech and sycamore trees across the site to reduce the number of seed sources and minimise the spread of these species. Sycamore is not native to the UK and beech is only regarded as being native to the south of England.
Mr Rose added “We all recognise the amenity and landscape value of some of the mature beech trees at Loch Fleet and therefore only carefully selected trees will be felled. Smaller beech saplings and seedlings will however be removed to prevent the trees spreading and new seed trees forming.”
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- SNH Media
- snhmedia@snh.gov.uk
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