20 March, 2020
Most of Scotland's National Nature Reserves open but visitor facilities closed
As a result of the latest advice on the Coronavirus pandemic from the UK and Scottish Governments, Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) has closed public facilities, including visitor centres and toilets, on its National Nature Reserves across Scotland for the health and safety of both staff and visitors.
However, most of SNH’s beautiful and varied reserves remain open for the public to enjoy during this difficult time, while following the social distancing guidelines set by the government.
Due to its exceptional location and circumstances, the Isle of May National Nature Reserve will close to all other than resident SNH staff who will continue to its management on a care and maintenance basis. In addition, it is expected that Noss National Nature Reserve will not open in May as planned, but this will be reviewed as circumstances develop.
This will be a very stressful and anxious time for many people, and spending time outdoors and connecting with nature can help improve physical and mental health. In a recent survey, around 9 in 10 outdoors visitors reported benefits to their mental and physical wellbeing, with 67% saying it helped them to relax and unwind and 64% saying it improved their physical health.
Stewart Pritchard, SNH’s Senior Advisor on Nature Reserves, said:
“At SNH, we are working hard to respond to the Coronavirus pandemic in a way that ensures we look after both our staff and the public we serve. Our advice is to take care of yourself and others by following the government’s social distancing guidelines and, when possible, relax and keep active by continuing to explore and enjoy local nature reserves, parks and spaces.
“Simple activities such as getting out for a walk, breathing fresh air, listening to birdsong or watching wildlife can all greatly improve our health during times of uncertainty and stress.”
Find details of national nature reserves in each area of Scotland at https://www.nnr.scot/
For those unable to get out and about, there are also podcasts available, telling stories about Scotland’s nature, habitats, landscapes and native species, at https://www.nature.scot/information-hub/podcasts.
For more information, contact the SNH press office on snhmedia@nature.scot or 0131 316 2655.
Contact information
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- NatureScot Media
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- 0131 316 2655
- media@nature.scot
Notes to editors
There are 43 national nature reserves in Scotland. These are special places that look after some of the best of Scotland’s nature on behalf of everyone who lives or visits Scotland, and they provide unique opportunities to visit, enjoy and learn more about Scotland’s nature.
NatureScot is Scotland's nature agency. We work to enhance our natural environment in Scotland and inspire everyone to care more about it. Our priority is a nature-rich future for Scotland and an effective response to the climate emergency. For more information, visit our website at www.nature.scot or follow us on Twitter at https://twitter.com/nature_scot
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