12 June, 2014
MEDIA INVITE: Transatlantic project celebrates John Muir
Not for publication or broadcast – for operational guidance only
A preview for invited media and Dunbar school children of a transatlantic project which allows people across the world to virtually step inside the Scottish and American homes of Scottish conservationist John Muir, using cutting-edge 3-D scanning technology. The inside of John Muir’s birthplace has also been re-created, based on historical research.
A news release will be issued on the day.
Thursday, 19 June at 1.45 pm.
John Muir Birthplace, High Street, Dunbar
Photo opportunities
- Dunbar Primary P6 pupils viewing the 3-D scans
- The unveiling of a special carved plaque symbolising the enduring link that Muir provides between Scotland and the U.S.
- Selected images of the scans themselves will also be available.
Available for interview
Lyn Wilson, Historic Scotland Digital Documentation Manager
Adam Frost, CyArk
Richard Davison, Scottish Natural Heritage
John Thomas, John Muir Birthplace Trust
Background info
The laser technology surveys sites in 3D, using the same techniques that have already created a digital archive for World Heritage sites such as Skara Brae on Orkney, the Antonine Wall, and world famous landmarks such as Mt Rushmore and the Sydney Opera House (all part of the Scottish Ten project at www.scottishten.org).
The project is led jointly by Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) and Historic Scotland in conjunction with the John Muir Birthplace Trust, the US National Park Service and the CyArk Foundation. It forms part of a transatlantic project featuring Muir’s home in California and links to 2014 Year of Homecoming and the centenary of John Muir’s death.
For more information or to RSVP
Vicki Mowat, SNH media officer, on 0131 316 2659 or vicki.mowat@snh.gov.uk. On the day, reach Vicki on her mobile on 07917 071 543.
Contact information
- Name
- SNH Media
- snhmedia@snh.gov.uk
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