16 April, 2014
MEDIA INVITE: First Minister to open John Muir Way
Issued by East Lothian Council & Scottish Natural Heritage
First Minister Alex Salmond will officially open the new 134-mile coast-to-coast pathway, the John Muir Way, in Dunbar on 21 April.
High Street 10.30am-2.30pm. First Minister Alex Salmond will officially open the John Muir Way at Muir's birthplace in Dunbar at 12:30pm. Part of Dunbar’s High Street will be closed to allow for street theatre, art and musical performances. Ramblers, runners and cyclists lead a procession of John Muir flags at 1pm along the first section of the John Muir Way to rally at the Seabird Centre in North Berwick at 4pm. The launch is part of the John Muir Festival, which runs from 17-26 April.
A full news release will be issued on the launch day.
Photo/interview opportunities
12.15 – Media to meet at Our Lady of the Waves Church Hall, Westgate, Dunbar, EH42 1JL (be aware satellite navigation may suggest Our Lady of the Wave in North Berwick).
12.30 – First Minister, Alex Salmond, launches John Muir Way with backdrop of Dunbar cliffs. Flare from RNLI lifeboat. Note: broadcast media should RSVP with details of vehicles needed onsite.
13.00-13.20 – East Lothian Provost, Ludovic Broun-Lindsay welcomes the First Minister, Alex Salmond, Ian Ross/Jardine of SNH and Keith Geddes, Chair of CSGN to the John Muir Birthplace (128 High Street, Dunbar) – short speeches follow.
13.20-13.35 – Interviews with the First Minister: due to time restrictions, the First Minister will be available for a limited number of broadcast media interviews at the conclusion of the event. For further information, please contact Chris Mackie - 07825 106 184.
13.20-13.45 – VIPs available for interview.
10:30am-2.30pm - Street performances and community events
First Minister Alex Salmond
Ian Ross, Chairman, Scottish Natural Heritage
Cllr. John McMillan, Cabinet member for Economic Development & Tourism, East Lothian Council
Keith Geddes, Central Scotland Green Network (CSGN)
Caroline Packman, Director, Homecoming Scotland 2014
Jill Mackay
Media Manager
East Lothian Council
01620 827743 or 07714 563479
Walkers, cyclists and horse riders can enjoy some of the most beautiful coastal scenery, sweeping landscapes, wildlife sites and historic visitor attractions across Scotland’s heartland along the new John Muir Way. The rocky coasts of East Lothian where Muir played as a child, the dramatic Blackness Castle on the Forth, historic Linlithgow Palace, Roman hill forts on Antonine’s Wall, and the unique Falkirk Wheel boat lift are just a few of the highlights.
The route will be way-marked with John Muir Way signs, and a website (johnmuirway.org), book, leaflets and map will give people all the information they need to complete all or part of the trail.
John Muir was born in Dunbar in 1838, before emigrating to the United States in 1849. He helped save the Yosemite Valley in California, was a co-founder of The Sierra Club – one of the most influential grassroots environmental organisations in the USA – and successfully campaigned for national parks in America.
The John Muir Way has been developed by Scottish Natural Heritage. The John Muir Festival is produced by UZ Arts, and funded by Scottish Natural Heritage, Homecoming Scotland and Creative Scotland. For more on the John Muir Festival, see www.johnmuirfestival.com.
Homecoming Scotland 2014 is a Scottish Government initiative managed by EventScotland, which is a part of VisitScotland. Homecoming Scotland 2014 will enable the tourism and events industries to further demonstrate the important role they play in delivering sustainable and sustained growth to Scotland’s economy. Further information: www.homecomingscotland.com
Scottish Natural Heritage is the government's adviser on all aspects of nature and landscape across Scotland. Our role is to help everyone understand, value and enjoy Scotland's nature now and in the future. For more information, visit our website at www.snh.gov.uk. . SNH media is also now on Twitter at twitter.com/SNH_Tweets
Creative Scotland is the national organisation that funds and supports the development of Scotland’s arts, screen and creative industries. Creative Scotland has four objectives: to develop and sustain a thriving environment for the arts, screen and creative industries; to support excellence in artistic and creative practice; to improve access to and participation in, arts and creative activity; and to deliver our services efficiently and effectively. For further information on Creative Scotland please visit www.creativescotland.com. Follow us @creativescots and www.facebook.com/CreativeScotland
UZ Arts are a registered Scottish Charity supporting artists and producers in creating large scale, innovative work outside conventional venues, across art forms and across borders.
Contact information
- Name
- SNH Media
- snhmedia@snh.gov.uk
NatureScot is Scotland's nature agency. We work to enhance our natural environment in Scotland and inspire everyone to care more about it. Our priority is a nature-rich future for Scotland and an effective response to the climate emergency. For more information, visit our website at www.nature.scot or follow us on X at https://x.com/NatureScot
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