30 June, 2016
Last chance for Assynt deer management group
A landowner’s group in Sutherland has been given a final opportunity to show that it can manage deer numbers on nationally and internationally protected woodlands without the need for legal intervention.
The decision to give the group until spring 2017 to demonstrate that it can manage the deer population on its land in an effective and cooperative way was made at a special meeting of the Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Board today (Thursday).
The alternative considered by Board members was to ask Scottish Ministers to impose formal regulation, under Section 8 of the Deer (Scotland) Act. This would enforce levels of deer culls on the landowners, backed up by a fine if not carried out. It would have been the first time SNH approached Scottish Ministers to use these powers.
The Ardvar Woodlands Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) on northwest Sutherland’s Assynt peninsula is being seriously damaged by high numbers of grazing red deer. The birch-dominated woodlands also contain native oak and the site is designated as part of the internationally important Ardvar and Loch a’ Mhuilinn Special Area of Conservation (SAC). This means Scotland is required to look after the sites under both national and European legislation.
Ian Ross, SNH Chairman, said: “These woodlands are set in an area of rich biodiversity and they are an important part of our natural heritage. They form the most northern remnants of native oak woodland in the British Isles and it is in the public interest to ensure that we protect them and allow them to regenerate for future generations.”
SNH has been working with the Assynt Peninsula Sub Group, which consists of the 12 landowners on the site, to try and agree a plan to manage the deer population voluntarily. However, after many unsuccessful attempts over several years to get the three main estate holders to agree an approach to managing the deer in a way that would protect the site, SNH has had to consider using the Section 8 powers for the first time.
Ian Ross said: “After careful consideration of the group’s proposal, and encouraged by growing engagement recently, our Board has decided to allow the group until spring 2017 to manage the deer voluntarily and achieve the results urgently needed to help these special woodlands regenerate. We strongly believe that the collaborative approach achieves the best results. However, if it looks unlikely that this is going to secure the woodlands’ future, we’re prepared to re-engage quickly in formal regulation.”
Contact information
- Name
- Dominic Shann
- Job Title
- Media Relations Officer
- Telephone
- 01463 725157
- dominic.shann@nature.scot
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