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02 April, 2015

Isle of May opens with new reserve manager

The Isle of May is open again for the year – and is welcoming a new Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) reserve manager as well.

The first puffins have already started to arrive at the popular national nature reserve, as it welcomes its first visitors of the year.

And after 14 years living and working on the Farne Islands off the north Northumberland coast, David Steel will be among familiar seabird company in his new job on the ‘Jewel of the Forth.’

David commented, “There weren’t many jobs I would have left the Farne Islands for, but the Isle of May is a unique and special place which is home to some spectacular wildlife. The island boasts over 46,000 pairs of puffins and one of the largest grey seal colonies in the UK. I couldn’t turn down the chance to live and work on this impressive national nature reserve”.

David is no stranger to island life or working with seabirds. As he explains, “I grew up as a birdwatcher and completed my degree in ornithology before following my dream of living and working with birds. The Isle of May is allows me to continue working with some of the most amazing wildlife the UK has to offer.”

However it’s not all about wildlife. “The real beauty of such a place is that you can share this amazing experience with visitors as boats sail daily, if the weather cooperates, to the island from April to September. If you want to see a puffin up close and personal, then I suggest you book a trip out – you won’t be disappointed.”

It’s free to visit the nature reserve, but you must take a boat trip to reach the island. Sailings are on the privately-run May Princess or Osprey of Anstruther from the Anstruther Harbour or through the Scottish Seabird Centre in North Berwick.

Known locally as 'The May', this small island sits on the edge of the Firth of Forth. The island's importance for seabirds has drawn scientists to its shores for many years and the May is home to the oldest continuously running bird observatory in the UK. The May is also a regular haunt for grey seals, often seen lounging on the shoreline rocks. This island is a historical gem and it's been a place of pilgrimage for centuries with an early island monastery. The May was also the site of Scotland's very first lighthouse, built in 1636, while the current, castle-like lighthouse was designed by the engineer Robert Stevenson.


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NatureScot is Scotland's nature agency. We work to enhance our natural environment in Scotland and inspire everyone to care more about it. Our priority is a nature-rich future for Scotland and an effective response to the climate emergency. For more information, visit our website at or follow us on Twitter at

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David Steel: David Steel, new Isle of May reserve manager

David Steel

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