08 July, 2024
Green marine environment fund distributes £3.8m
Projects to protect and restore Scotland’s coasts and seas have received more than £3.8 million from a vital marine fund over the last three years.
A total of 54 projects across the country have so far benefited from funding through the Scottish Marine Environmental Enhancement Fund (SMEEF).
More than £4m is also already pledged from private companies to support more projects over the coming years.
Sarah Brown, SMEEF Project Manager, said: “Our coasts and seas are absolutely essential to tackle the nature and climate change crises. It’s wonderful to have so many private companies donate to help our rich marine environment recover. All of the amazing projects we’ve funded are using cutting-edge technology to discover the best ways to ensure our marine habitats and the species they support are healthy, resilient and productive for future generations."
Examples of the projects include the Scottish Association for Marine Science, which was awarded £33,176 to identify abandoned or lost creels using sonar, work which aims to reduce entanglement, a major risk for marine animals. Another project, by Edinburgh Napier University, discovered a new spawning ground for herring using passive acoustic monitoring devices. Other projects are learning more about the condition of and improving habitat for species such as seals, seabirds, native oysters, flapper skates, horse mussels and marine mammals. Projects include work in the Outer Hebrides, West Highland, Argyll, Clyde, Solway, Forth and Tay, Orkney and Shetland.
SMEEF is unique in that it enables sectors that use Scottish waters, such as renewable energy, aquaculture, fishing and shipping, to voluntarily contribute to the health and biodiversity of Scotland’s seas by creating a grant pot. This is then distributed to marine nature enhancement projects across the country.
Sarah adds: “We know there are many more great projects out there that we would love to support - but we need more funds if we are going to scale up our efforts to recover nature in our seas. Please get in touch if you’d like to help!”
SMEEF is hosted by NatureScot, and managed jointly with core funders, Scottish Government Marine Directorate and Crown Estate Scotland. All donations to the fund are assessed by an Ethical Contributions Board and decisions on which projects to fund are made by a Grants Panel. Both the Ethical Contributions Board and the Grants Panel have independent chairs and include input from Scottish Environment LINK.
For more information and a full list of the projects which have been awarded funding to date, see the SMEEF Impact Report.
For more information on SMEEF, including how to make a donation or apply for grant funding, see www.smeef.scot
Contact information
- Name
- NatureScot Media
- Telephone
- 0131 316 2655
- media@nature.scot
Notes to editors
An Ethical Contributions Board (ECB) comprising representatives from NatureScot, Crown Estate Scotland, the Scottish Government, and independent members, who specialise in relevant areas including audit, risk, legal, financial governance and partnership management review all donations in line with the SMEEF contributions acceptance policy which is available on the website www.smeef.scot.
SMEEF would like to acknowledge the financial support of the following organisations to date:
Grant Pot Builders
- Scottish Power Renewables (UK) Limited
- Ørsted Power (UK) Limited
- Simply Blue Energy (Scotland) Limited (partner with Ørsted in Salamander Floating Wind)
- Muir Mhor Offshore Wind Farm Limited (Olsen Sea Wind & Vattenfall)
- Stromar Offshore Wind Farm Limited (Ørsted, Blue Float and Renantis)
- Bellrock Offshore Wind Farm (Blue Float and Renantis)
- Broadshore Offshore Wind Farm (Blue Float and Renantis)
- Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution Limited
- Ossian Offshore Wind Farm (SSE Renewables, Marubeni Corporation and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners)
Seed Funders
- Crown Estate Scotland
- Scottish Government
- EDF Energy Renewables Limited
- UK Mainstream Renewable Power Limited
- Ocean Winds UK Limited
- SB Offshore Energy Limited
- Red Rock Power Limited
- RWE Renewables UK
- Offshore Wind Power Limited
- Scottish Power Renewables (UK) Limited
- Simply Blue Energy (Scotland) Limited
- SSE Renewables Services (UK) Limited
- Vattenfall Wind Power Limited
NatureScot is Scotland's nature agency. We work to enhance our natural environment in Scotland and inspire everyone to care more about it. Our priority is a nature-rich future for Scotland and an effective response to the climate emergency. For more information, visit our website at www.nature.scot or follow us on X at https://x.com/NatureScot
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