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10 September, 2024

Online hub launches for Galloway National Park proposal

Online hub launches for Galloway National Park proposal: The Mull of Galloway

A dedicated online hub has been set up to share news, information and a space for conversation, as residents and communities in Galloway and beyond debate the Scottish Government’s proposed national park status for the area.

NatureScot has been commissioned by Scottish Government to investigate its proposal for a Galloway national park and been appointed its statutory Reporter. No decision to designate a third national park has been made, and NatureScot’s advice on the Galloway proposal will be considered by Ministers in deciding whether to proceed.

The public has been invited to use the online hub to discover more about the government’s proposal and the existing national parks in Scotland, to explore opportunities to share their insights and views, through interactive maps and surveys, and to be part of the conversations taking place.

As well as launching the new national park for Galloway hub, this month NatureScot will be distributing leaflets to all households in the postcode districts in and close to the proposed park area, explaining the consultation process and how to be involved in it. NatureScot will also be hosting a series of meetings with local authorities, community councils and other local organisations, as well as holding drop-in surgeries across the area to provide everyone with information about the proposal, listen to any topics raised and seek ideas about what a national park could look like in detail.

NatureScot Head of People and Places, Pete Rawcliffe said: “Since the government’s announcement of Galloway as its proposed location for a new national park, we have been busy listening and discussing our reporting plans with community councils, farming and other land management groups, local politicians and public bodies.  Ahead of the formal consultation in November, we are looking forward to hearing more from individuals in Galloway and beyond, either through this new online hub or in person at meetings and drop-in sessions, about what they value in the area, and how they feel about the potential of a national park.”

In November, there will be a formal 12-week public consultation, also available on NatureScot’s own website. The consultation will look at the detailed arrangements for a national park, including its area, powers and governance. The consultation will result in advice and analysis submitted to government ministers at the end of April 2025. All the views expressed during the consultation will be reported to Scottish Government as part of this advice. 

Scotland’s nature agency previously undertook the Reporter role for the country’s first two national parks, in Loch Lomond & the Trossachs and the Cairngorms. 

NatureScot also has an email address for contacting its investigating team:

Online hub for a new national park in Galloway



Contact information

NatureScot Media
0131 316 2655

Notes to editors


Last year, Scottish Government sought bids for new National Parks from across Scotland. Five areas were nominated by local groups, including a joint bid from the Galloway National Park Association and Galloway & Southern Ayrshire Biosphere Reserve supported by Dumfries and Galloway, East Ayrshire and South Ayrshire Councils. Appraisal of these nominations by the Scottish Government led to the selection of the Galloway area for further consideration.

NatureScot has been asked to advise on this proposal to help Scottish Government decide:

  • if it should be given National Park status
  • what geographical area it should include
  • what form its governance should take (e.g. number of board members)
  • what powers it should have (e.g. planning, access)
  • its likely structure and operation.

Following that analysis, Scottish Government will then decide whether to proceed with their proposal for a National Park in Galloway.

NatureScot is Scotland's nature agency. We work to enhance our natural environment in Scotland and inspire everyone to care more about it. Our priority is a nature-rich future for Scotland and an effective response to the climate emergency. For more information, visit our website at or follow us on Twitter at

’S e NatureScot buidheann nàdair na h-Alba. Bidh sinn a’ neartachadh àrainneachd na h-Alba agus a’ brosnachadh dhaoine gu barrachd suim a chur ann an nàdar. Tha e mar phrìomhachas againn gum bi nàdar na h-Alba beairteach agus gun dèilig sinn gu h-èifeachdach le èiginn na gnàth-shìde. Tha an tuilleadh fiosrachaidh aig no air Twitter aig


The Mull of Galloway: The Mull of Galloway

The Mull of Galloway

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