07 February, 2017
Free dog training event at Tentsmuir this weekend
Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) is offering dog walkers free dog training advice at an event at Tentmsuir National Nature Reserve this Saturday, 11 February. The training will help dog owners understand their responsibilities under the Scottish Outdoor Access Code.
The event will be led by Natalie Light, a clinical animal behaviourist and ecologist, who has been working with people and their dogs for over 10 years.
SNH’s Theresa Kewell said:
“We’re hoping Natalie’s expertise and training methods will prove a hit with local dog walkers and encourage them to watch out for wildlife and help reduce disturbance. It’s a great chance for them to get some great free advice from an expert.”
Natalie added:
“Dog walkers provide a huge service to land managers, reporting problems and being the eyes and ears of the community. But dogs running loose and dog fouling can have dramatic effects on the local wildlife, as well as affecting how other people enjoy the reserve. Working with dogs and their owners is a real passion of mine, particularly when I get to help them overcome issues that they have been worrying about and didn't know where to start.”
Natalie uses reward-based training methods and positive reinforcement, using food, toys, play and praise as rewards. Families are encouraged to attend, so that everyone learns the training tips. Those attending will also be able to sign for access to some top training ideas and videos, along with information about the reserve at Tentsmuir.
This free, drop-in event takes place at Kinshaldy Beach Car Park at Tentsmuir Forest on Saturday 11 February between 10am and 12noon. The normal £2 barrier charge for the car park applies.
For those who are unable to make the event but would like more information, email Natalie at Nat@natdogs.com .
See the Scottish Outdoor Access Code website for more information on responsible dog walking: http://www.outdooraccess-scotland.com/Practical-guide/public/dog-walking
Contact SNH media officer, Vicki Mowat, on 0131 316 2659 or vicki.mowat@snh.gov.uk (Tuesday to Friday) or the SNH main press office on 01463 725 022 (Monday).
Contact information
- Name
- SNH Media
- snhmedia@snh.gov.uk
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