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20 May, 2014

Forvie poetry & nature walk

Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) is hosting a free poetry and nature walk to the cursed medieval village of Forvie on Tuesday, 27 May.

During the walk, community artist Petra Vergunst will share some of the poems she has written in response to the Aberdeenshire coastline.

The walk is part of the project, Sharing at the Shoreline, in which Petra walks the Aberdeenshire Coastal Path and shares her experiences in a series of poetry events and activities along the way.

Petra said: "Aberdeenshire has an amazing coastline. The Ythan Estuary and dunes of Forvie have an outstanding bird and sea life and provide ample opportunities to explore how people use this landscape to make a living. Through my walk along the Aberdeenshire Coastal Path, I want to highlight the importance of this landscape to us and use my poetry activities to create a dialogue about this."

Forvie National Nature Reserve Manager, Annabel Drysdale, will be accompanying Petra on the poetry walk to point out some of the natural and historical highlights of the reserve. Annabel said: "I'm looking forward to a great live experience hearing Petra reciting her poetry outdoors. This will be a guided walk with a twist!"

The poetry walk starts at 10 am on Tuesday, 27 May, from the Waterside car park and will last approximately two hours.

Please register your interest in this free guided walk with Annabel Drysdale at 01358 751330. For more information about the project, see

The medieval village of Forvie now lies buried at one of Scotland's finest natural beauty spots, after being cursed and abandoned to advancing sand.

The Forvie dunes stretch along the Ythan estuary. During the summer, terns hover, dive and twist in the air. Four species of tern nest in the dunes here, while inquisitive seals fish and play further out in the water.

Notes to editors

Notes to Editors

Forvie National Nature Reserve (NNR) is one of about 50 NNRs in Scotland. NNRs are special places that look after some of the best of Scotland's nature on behalf of everyone who lives or visits Scotland, and they provide unique opportunities to visit, enjoy and learn more about Scotland's nature. For more information, see Forvie NNR is 12 miles north of Aberdeen, through Newburgh off the A975. By bus: Aberdeen-Peterhead (via Cruden Bay) buses stop by request at Collieston crossroads, then walk to visitor centre (20 mins) or from Newburgh to the estuary (15 mins).

Contact information

SNH Media

NatureScot is Scotland's nature agency. We work to enhance our natural environment in Scotland and inspire everyone to care more about it. Our priority is a nature-rich future for Scotland and an effective response to the climate emergency. For more information, visit our website at or follow us on X at

’S e NatureScot buidheann nàdair na h-Alba. Bidh sinn a’ neartachadh àrainneachd na h-Alba agus a’ brosnachadh dhaoine gu barrachd suim a chur ann an nàdar. Tha e mar phrìomhachas againn gum bi nàdar na h-Alba beairteach agus gun dèilig sinn gu h-èifeachdach le èiginn na gnàth-shìde. Tha an tuilleadh fiosrachaidh aig no air X aig