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14 May, 2014

Festival celebrates Scotland's nature

More than 160 events are expected to take place across the country from this Saturday (17 May) as part of Scotland's Nature Festival.

More than 160 events are expected to take place across the country from this Saturday (17 May) as part of Scotland's Nature Festival.

Organised by Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) and partners, the festival hosts a huge array of community events, taking place from the Highlands to Angus, the Central Belt, and the Scottish Borders.

In the Lothians, participants can join in the Mini-Beast Monster Event at Holyrood Park, and get creative in the Nature Collage Competition at Armadale Community Centre and Library.

In Falkirk area, participants can join in the six-week long Nature Fest celebrations, learn from BugLife staff at the Kinneil Foreshore Mini-beast Hunt; and join in wildlife spotting activities for all the family, including pond dipping, mini-beast hunting, tree trailing, bird watching and more at Jupiter Urban Wildlife Centre.

For more information on these and many other events across Scotland, see and search for 'Scotland's Nature Festival.' Most events are free; a few events will have a minimal charge. Events are being held by all kinds of organisations, including ranger services, countryside parks, NGOs, faith organisations, nature reserves, community groups, and gardens.

Ian Ross, the SNH chairman, said: "Scotland's Nature Festival is a celebration of our special species and habitats and a reminder of their environmental and cultural importance.

"The festival is also a timely reminder to get out and enjoy Scotland's countryside and with events across the country it should be easy to find one close by."

Zeshan Akhter, Scotland's Nature Festival organiser, said: "Scotland's Nature Festival (formerly Scottish Biodiversity Week) has been held every year since 2001, starting as a local initiative in Fife in 2000 and growing into a national event. Scotland's Nature Festival is about celebrating Scotland's precious wildlife and landscapes and offers the chance for everyone to get out and about and experience it for themselves. We need festivals such as ours to remind us all of the beauty and benefits of nature."

The livelihoods of 6.5 billion people are sustained by ecosystems containing almost two million known species. The welfare of humankind depends on this web of life. Crops and animals feed us; forests regulate water supplies and provide fuel; oceans provide food and help regulate climate; and biodiversity is a source of cultural and spiritual wealth for millions of us. Yet only a fraction of life has been discovered less than 10%. There could up to 90 million species on the planet. But all this life is disappearing at an astonishing rate. According to the Global Biodiversity Outlook, 130 species become extinct each day. That's more than 1,000 times higher than the natural extinction rate.


For more information and event listings, see and search for Scottish Nature Festival.'

Media inquiries: Fergus Macneill, SNH Public Relations: 01463 725021

Scotland's Nature Festival is promoted by Scottish Natural Heritage and its partners in the Scottish Biodiversity Forum (SBF). The SBF is a broad-based, working partnership of government, its agencies (Scottish Natural Heritage and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency), local authorities, voluntary bodies, farmers, fishermen, foresters, businesses and scientists. For more information, see

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SNH Media

NatureScot is Scotland's nature agency. We work to enhance our natural environment in Scotland and inspire everyone to care more about it. Our priority is a nature-rich future for Scotland and an effective response to the climate emergency. For more information, visit our website at or follow us on Twitter at

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