15 August, 2024
Deer cull incentive schemes launch to help tackle nature and climate crises

NatureScot has today launched two innovative pilot schemes to financially support deer managers to control deer in specific parts of Scotland in response to the climate and nature emergencies.
In recognition that the majority of Scotland’s deer cull is carried out by private landowners and individuals at their own expense, applications have now opened for two incentive schemes that aim to support this essential management in specific areas of the central belt and Highlands.
The pilots will see qualified and eligible deer stalkers receive a payment for additional deer culled over and above the level currently controlled in the area.
Deer populations have increased in number and spread in range over the past 50 years. While they are an important part of Scotland’s biodiversity, in high numbers their trampling and browsing has a negative impact on habitats, particularly woodlands.
Expanding our woodlands is vital to tackle climate change and biodiversity loss, but it is simply not possible to do this in the presence of high densities of deer.
It is estimated that an increase in the national cull of 25% or 50,000 deer each year across all species will be needed over several years to achieve the ambitious but necessary targets in the Scottish Biodiversity Strategy to halt biodiversity loss by 2030 and restore nature across Scotland by 2045.
Deer can also cause damage to commercial forestry and agricultural crops and create an increased risk of road traffic collisions.
One pilot covers an area of 959 km2 to the north of Glasgow and west of Stirling, where the focus will be on lowland and urban roe deer management, as well as expanding red deer populations.
The second will cover an area 527km2 on the south-eastern side of Loch Ness in the Highlands where the focus will be on incentivising control of invasive non-native sika deer in important native woodlands as well as commercial forestry.
Growing numbers of deer in the lowlands and the spread of sika were both identified as key priorities in the independent Deer Working Group’s 2020 report.
Meanwhile, the Cairngorms National Park Authority will be running a third scheme to incentivise a reduction in red deer hind numbers in the National Park.
The lessons learned will inform future schemes to support deer management in Scotland.
Agriculture Minister Jim Fairlie said: “We know that Scotland is facing a nature loss crisis. Unsustainable deer numbers are exacerbating the problem as large populations continue to damage our plant life.
“Landowners have a significant role in helping us meet this challenge. These schemes will encourage responsible and sustainable wildlife management practices that align with our goals for both the climate and our natural environment.”
Donald Fraser, NatureScot’s Head of Wildlife Management, said: “Globally and in Scotland, nature is in decline and we face a climate emergency. Greater urgency is required to meet the challenges of these twin crises and Scotland has ambitious targets to do so.
“Sustainable deer management is a vital part of this. We know, however, that 80% of deer management is carried out by the private sector at a net cost to deer managers. These innovative pilot schemes will give extra support to those working hard on the ground to tackle high deer numbers in certain areas.
“This will help bring the number of deer in balance with the rest of nature so that our woodlands, forests, peatlands and other habitats can recover and thrive.
“Deer management and the jobs and skills associated with it can also bring significant benefits for the rural economy and that’s why these pilots will also investigate future training support as well as exploring the barriers and opportunities to increasing the supply of venison to local communities.”
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Notes to editors
More information is available on our incentive scheme webpages.
For the two pilots:
- Participants must have the legal right to take/kill deer on specified land and must be qualified to a minimum of Deer Stalking Certificate 1 (DSC1) or equivalent.
- To ensure that culling is additional to the levels currently recorded in the two pilot scheme areas, the payment will only be made for additional adult female deer and juveniles of any sex culled above a minimum cull rate per 100 Ha. Payment would be made on a quarterly basis to the individual registered to be a part of the scheme.
- Strict eligibility criteria and compliance checks will be in place. Participants must use an app developed by NatureScot to record and submit data including geolocation and photographic evidence of their cull, as well as information on how carcasses were disposed of. This will help NatureScot in its ongoing work to increase capacity in local supply chains for venison, a nutritious and sustainable food.
- The schemes will start in Autumn 2024 and run to March 2025 with expectation to repeat in winter 2025/26 and 2026/27, after which their effectiveness will be reviewed and a report with recommendations and lessons learned produced. This will be used to develop any future incentive schemes.
NatureScot is Scotland's nature agency. We work to enhance our natural environment in Scotland and inspire everyone to care more about it. Our priority is a nature-rich future for Scotland and an effective response to the climate emergency. For more information, visit our website at www.nature.scot or follow us on X at https://x.com/NatureScot
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