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13 May, 2015

Community asked to be eyes and ears of new river project

A Riverwatch scheme is set to launch in collaboration with The Strathnaver Museum in Bettyhill this week.

It will provide additional surveillance and protection to the populations of pearl mussels in the Rivers Naver and Borgie.

The Riverwatch initiative is part of the Pearls in Peril project which aims to safeguard freshwater pearl mussels, a critically endangered species threatened by illegal pearl fishing that has taken place over Scotland. The scheme relies on using the local community and river users as volunteers to protect pearl mussels by increasing awareness and vigilance.

Freshwater pearl mussels have historically been fished for the pearls they can produce, similar to an oyster. However, they very rarely contain pearls and they are fully protected under law ¬- it is a crime to kill, injure, take or disturb freshwater pearl mussels. Over the last 2 years there has been evidence of suspected illegal pearl fishing taking place across Northern Scotland.

Natalie Young, of the Riverwatcher project, said: "Pearl fishing has been a significant part of the River Naver and Borgie’s cultural history, once fished professionally for its pearls.

"However the species is now in such decline that from 1970 to 1998 that pearl mussels became extinct from an average of two rivers every year in Scotland.

"Currently the North of Scotland holds some of the most important populations of mussels in Europe, the Riverwatch scheme will work with local communities, land owners, fishery boards and Police Scotland to implement co-ordinated action to reduce and report illegal activities affecting freshwater pearl mussels in the North."

The Riverwatch talk on Friday will train local volunteers on how to identify and report and suspicious activities in relation to freshwater pearl mussels.

Potential Riverwatchers who would like to attend the launch should meet at Farr Edge 7pm on Friday 15th May, or contact Natalie for further information on 01463 783505.

Notes to editors

Contatc: Natalie Young, Riverwatcher – Life + Pearls in Peril Project: 01463 783505 Mobile: 07789 793199


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