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22 May, 2014

Botany walks at Loch Leven

With flowers in bloom, it's the perfect time to head out to Loch Leven national nature reserve to join in on a free botany walk and learn about the amazing variety of plants on the reserve.

Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) is leading two free botany walks in June, investigating the many types of plants on display at this time of year.

Reserve staff will be joined by local ecologist Liz Lavery and warden Steven Longster for walks at Burleigh (3rd June from 6-8pm) and Findatie (26th June from 6-8pm) in search of the area's most interesting plants, allowing plenty of time for stories to be told and pictures to be taken.

Jeremy Squire, SNH Loch Leven reserve officer, said:

"This is a terrific way to celebrate the arrival of spring during Loch Leven's 50th anniversary year as a national nature reserve, and learn more about the fascinating botany around the loch. The variety of wild flowers out on the reserve is astonishing, and each plant has its own tale to tell, whether to do with an unusual name, remarkable reproductive strategy, survival technique or carnivorous tendencies."

These walks are free and suitable for all, whether seasoned botanists or interested novices, kids and adults alike. There will be some off-path exploring to find particular species, so walking boots or wellies are recommended. Booking is essential, so call the reserve office on 01577 864439 to book a place or for more information.

Loch Leven is Scotland's largest lowland loch and one of the most important sites for waterfowl in Britain. Its unique environment attracts not only the largest concentration of breeding ducks anywhere in the UK, but also many thousands of migratory ducks, geese and swans every autumn and winter, as well as boasting an interesting variety of wildlife, plants and trees.

Notes to editors

Loch Leven National Nature Reserve is one of about 50 NNRs in Scotland. NNRs are special places that look after some of the best of Scotland's nature on behalf of everyone who lives or visits Scotland, and they provide unique opportunities to visit, enjoy and learn more about Scotland's nature. For more information, see

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NatureScot is Scotland's nature agency. We work to enhance our natural environment in Scotland and inspire everyone to care more about it. Our priority is a nature-rich future for Scotland and an effective response to the climate emergency. For more information, visit our website at or follow us on X at

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