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10 January, 2017

SNH's role in the planning process - affordable housing proposal in Staffin, Isle of Skye

To clarify SNH’s role in the planning process:

Steve North, SNH's Operations Manager for Inner Moray Firth, Wester Ross & Skye, explains:

"Our role is to advise the Local Planning Authority on the landscape implications of proposed development. On rare occasions, we may formally object. However, the Planning Authority may conclude that other benefits outweigh the landscape concerns and decide to approve development. If so, our objection ensures that Ministers are made aware of this intention.


"Scottish Ministers have recognised the Trotternish landscape as being of national importance and this includes the distinctive crofting settlement pattern at Staffin. SNH recognises that the landscape implications of development are one of the many issues that need to be considered by the Planning Authority."

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SNH Media

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